Friday, March 22, 2013

Don't Wake Me Up: Iced Coffee

One thing that is seriously always thrown around about College Kids is that we have sleep issues. Parents think we sleep too much, stay out too late, never sleep enough... You get the point.

But in reality we're just grasping for a normal sleep schedule! I, for one, would love to be able to go to bed at 9pm and wake up at 7am like a normal grown up! But the fact is we have homework, and lots of it. And we're being brainwashed (well it's true, right?!) that we need extracurriculars. So by the time we're done with class at 5:20pm we're flying home to scarf down a bite, shower, and groom before we're at a Psychology/SMSTA meeting. The meeting goes till 8pm and then we're back doing homework. And if you want a social life? Forget it. Your extracurriculars must be your social life. Even if you only had two hours of homework, you'd be in bed by 10pm. Not bad, but who does their homework without a break? And a snack? And then another break?

No one. So you're up till 3 am.

Happiness, they say, will come from waking up at the same time everyday. How do I lure myself out of bed at 9am when I had been up till 3am the night before?

Iced Coffee.

Don't get me wrong, I love hot coffee, but as a College Kid, there is no way to make just one cup. So you make 2 (which really turns out to be 5) and then you have leftovers. 

Now you're saying, "But Sarah, iced coffee is easy to make!" Well yeah.. it is, so shut up. Just get up, tip toe to the kitchen so you don't wake up your roommate, and do this anyway. We know that College Kids fork over a lot of cashola for coffee and trendy coffee shops, but frankly, it's just not necessary. Fist of all, our coffee shop on campus serves us dirt water for coffee. Then charges us our first born.

My biggest issue with saving money/being on a College Budget/cooking for one is that I ALWAYS have leftover. Always. If you make a pot of coffee, it'd be nice to use it later, and let's face it, after it's been heated once, reheating kinda sucks... So keep your leftovers in the pot and make ice cubes, because you'll need them. I also splurged this week and bought flavored creamer... but I bought the cheaper brand so I can feel better about myself. The coffee I used also was on sale. It's Colombian, incase you're wondering.

To make the coffee part I always put two HEAPING tablespoons for one up (and then I'll add a dash more). I really have a problem with making coffee, I always put way too much. In this case, however, you need too much. This time I actually put 4 heaping teaspoons (I know that math isn't right, guys).

Brew the coffee as your coffee maker instructs.

Place ice in a glass. I like a lot of ice, because it melts and helps dilute the strong coffee. At my house I'm the only one who uses ice cubes. Which is good because I don't have to worry about if my roommate has used them all up. I, however, am the one who is too lazy to fill the tray "right now" and when I go back later for ice I'm mad, because there isn't any... This logic makes sense, doesn't it?

Add your extra strong coffee. Seriously, this stuff is like motor oil.

Add cream. The creamer I add is flavored and has a LOT of sugar in it so I don't add any actual sugar. I also add some extra milk, because the coffee is so strong and the creamer is too sweet. You can add plain milk and white sugar to your taste.

 Then stir that stuff with a knife, because you're a college kid, and you don't give two hoots what people think!

Mmm. Okay so it's nothing special, but it tastes yummy and I got the coffee on sale. 

If you want to drink the coffee as hot coffee when you actually make it hot, make sure to add extra water because the coffee is so strong. 

Note: I didn't know this was possible, but my photography skills have gone to crap. Fiddling with the contrast, flash, brightness. I have no idea how I lost all of those skills away at college, so forgive me, as I get un-rusty. 

This recipe is a Leftovers recipe and contains one Splurge Item.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I { Like } to Eat.

 I don't know about you.. But I like to eat. I grew up in a household where there was always something on the stove, our tummies were always rumbling, and you were never too full (at least for dessert).

I know that as a College Kid today it is hard to eat good food, healthy food, or nostalgic food. I found it strange, however when I moved there that no one even tried! After getting used to dorm food, the students here wouldn't put an effort toward making good food (not all).

So I did what I do. I cook. But I found that it was too expensive, time consuming, or I just made too much! I was used to cooking for my family, with my moms budget, with unlimited amounts of time!

So.. I'm trying to figure this thing out.

What's good for leftovers?

Can I make other things with leftovers?

How do I get people to come eat all of my food?

How do I make smaller portions?

How can I save money?

Can I still splurge on things I love?

WHY can't I cook like mom (or dad)?

I'm sure the last one will never be figured out.. But I can try at the others.

Let's get started. From my green-carpeted house to yours!